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22nd Feb 2014

Why Don't You Order Some Flowers from the Finest Florist in Gold Coast?

It is important as a business to gain a competitive edge. This holds true whether the economy is thriving or in the dumps. Major economic factors like fluctuations in unemployment, worker productivity and consumer confidence make it critical for businesses to implement the proper strategies for success. What is the key for gaining that ever so important competitive edge? Well, according to business experts, the key is in a happy and productive workforce.

gold coast florist

So the next question would naturally be; what can a business do to maintain a happy and productive workforce? Answers that come immediately to mind have to do with raises, benefits, perks, longer vacations and corner offices. While doling out raises and giving employees more time off may very well be fodder for increased productivity, it is not the only way to increase office morality.

A recent study conducted at Texas A&M University discovered that the secret to the success of a business is through nature. That is, the research showed creative performance and skills improved substantially when workplace environments included flowers and other plants. In a nutshell, flowers increased worker productivity. Yes, we did just say flowers increased worker productivity.

Now, you can give employees raises and give them extra time off or you could bring in breakfast every day in an effort to keep them happy. You can even give up your corner office to the content writer, but we have a better solution. Why don’t you order some flowers from the finest florist in Gold Coast and not only make your work environment more appeasing, but certainly more productive.