Mixed Asiatic Lily Flowers Gold Coast Special
For a limited time you will be able buy an elegant bouquet of asiatic lilies online. Just arrived are beautiful premium grade 1 quality, mixed coloured Asiatic lilies.
Asiatic lilies have no fragrance but still have that beautiful lily look. Colours cannot be specified and can be either single colours or a mix of pink, orange, yellow. white or red.
Available in 3 Sizes:
Standard: beautiful elegant wrap of 5 stems of asiatic lilies
Premium: larger bouquet with more lilies
Deluxe: larger again with double the lilies
The lilies are freshly picked and will last long, ready to pop into your vase. Flowers may arrive "in bud" this just means that your flowers will last longer!
Gold Coast Flowers delivered, cheap flower delivery gold coast, cheap flowers gold coast, asiatic lilies, tiger lilies, lillies gold coast, lily flowers delivered gold coast.
absutely lovely, my mum recieved the orange ones and they were so lovely, not fully bloomed so they lasted ages, will definitely order again.
A lovely bunch of flowers that keep on blooming! Such wonderful service, ordered and delivered to the hospital within a couple of hours and no ridiculous pricing. Great value, Thankyou.
Thanks...very quick delivery and loved getting immediately notified while I was overseas that my flowers had been delivered.....
Thank you for beautiful flowers
The best part of the flowers peaked a few days after so the joy of seeing the bunch get larger.
This is a great deal, service and product. The flowers were delivered just a few hours after making the purchase and it is great value for money. Highly recommended!
Delivery super fast. Flowers are amazing. Such a good value for money. Super happy!!!
Reliable & speedy delivery. Well received by the birthday recipient, lovely flowers. Love that you can do same day delivery. Thought postage/delivery cost could have been better.
This is the second time I have ordereded online through Botanique, I live in the UK and have ordered flowers to be sent to the Gold Coast. Both times I felt secure about the high level of proffesionalism and communication and then very happy with the photographs of the final delivered products! I most recently had a gorgeous bunch of Lilies with a box of chocolates, bottle of wine and helium balloon sent to my mums work for Mothers Day. My mum is a school teacher and I was a little worried initially about it being busy Mothers day weekend that they wouldn't ge there in time (3pm) I didn't need to worry as they were delivered before I expected and she was so so happy!! Thank you so much I will definitley use your comany again and highly reccomend to any one else xx